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Talk about it instead of suffering from it!

Important points


Everyone has problems and these can only be solved by sharing them with others.

Lots of drinking

Germs and similar pathogens can be fought by drinking a lot.

talk about it!

Even if there is little discomfort, patients should talk about it with the doctors.


About 15 percent of Austrians suffer from some form of incontinence , i.e. they cannot hold their urine or stool because the bladder is too weak (we have already reported on this ) . That’s at least one million people in Austria, or to put it another way: around every sixth person in Austria has a problem with their bladder or intestines. No other chronic disease is so widespread.

Nevertheless, incontinence is a widespread disease that hardly anyone talks about. That's why doctors who specialize in incontinence are now amplifying the information. For example, information days are held in the federal states of Vienna, Tyrol and Vorarlberg, where experts give lectures and offer advice. A free information pack is also being sent out and information for Muslim patients has been developed.

Dr. Kadir Tosun

Enkplatz 1, Staircase 1 Door 2

1110 Vienna



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